Kottakal will ring a bell with anyone who has undergone Ayurveda treatment. It is Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala that made the quaint town of Kottakkal popular. A majority of visitors come to the town seeking treatment at this reputed Ayurveda hospital. However, Kottakkal has a rich history of its own. The military base of the erstwhile kingdom of Valluvanadu was located here, and during those days, Kottakkal was known as Venkatakotta.
In the 18th century, Kottakkal emerged as a cultural and political centre. Dr P.S. Warrier, the founder of Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala, was a great patron of the arts. He was instrumental in setting up a Natya Sangham in Kottakkal to promote traditional arts and folk artists. The institution is now known as the P. S. V. Natya Sangham. The Venkata Thevar temple, known for its mural paintings, is a major pilgrim centre. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The Kottakkal Pooram is celebrated in March or April for seven days.